
There is a 53% reduced rate of Alzheimer’s disease in people who followed the MIND diet, with cognitive scores equivalent to being 7.5 years younger.

Plant predominant diet (high quality Mediterranean/DASH diets, ie: MIND diet)) as part of 5 healthy lifestyle factors, led to 60% less Alzheimer’s risk. Data from Chicago Health and Aging Project and the Rush Memeory and Aging Project with combined n=2765. (Ref. Dhana, Neurology 2020).

10% reduction in odds of dementia with each unit increase of Mediterranean Diet Score. n= 1865. (Ref.: Anastasiou, PLoS 1, 2017)

Higher hippocampal volume and less tau protein in patients with higher adherence to Mediterranean diet. n=570 (Ref.: Ballarini, Alzheimer's and Dementia 2020))