Different diets


best dietary pattern for good health - broad agreement

  • Mostly whole plant foods (Vegetables, fruit, beans, whole grains)

  • Low saturated fat- less animal products

  • Low ultraprocessed foods - avoid chicken nuggets, candy, chips, fries …

  • Low alcohol (Drink water, tea and coffee)

  • Low sugar- especially soda

Less animal products (meat, chicken, fish, Eggs, Dairy)

  • Better for our health

  • Better for the planet (less greenhouse gases, water, land and fertilizer use)

  • Better for the animals and the oceans

what is the problem with animal based diets?


keto /low carb / paleo diets high in animal protein

  • Lose weight in the short term.

    Improve glucose and blood pressure.

    Avoid BAD CARBS (highly processed foods like white bread, desserts)

  • Hard to sustain long term.

    High in saturated fat which leads to high cholesterol and heart disease.

    Low in fiber and the great micronutrients in GOOD CARBS like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans.

If the Mediterranean diet is so good,

why make the effort to eat less fish?


mediterranean diet

  • High in plants, olive oil, fish,

  • low chicken and dairy

  • Lower heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension, mortality.

    Better for animals and planet than Standard American diet or Keto diet.

  • Commercial fishing is not sustainable and is destroying the ocean floor.

    An estimated 1-2 trillion fish are killed annually and this doesn’t include farmed fish. (Ref. Forbes 2017) Click to Learn More

    Although fish are a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, we can get this in foods like walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, edamame, you can also get omega 3s from a vegan algal omega 3 supplement. Fish get their omega 3s from algae also.

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