
  • Commercial fishing is not sustainable and is destroying the ocean floor.

  • An estimated 1-2 trillion fish are killed annually and this doesn’t include farmed fish. (Ref. Forbes 2017) Click to Learn More

Fish feel pain

Studies in fish have shown that the biology of the nociceptive system is strikingly similar to that found in mammals.

“Therefore, there is ample evidence to demonstrate that it is highly likely that fish experience pain and that pain-related behavioural changes are conserved across vertebrates.”


Damage to ocean floor

Trawling destroys the natural seafloor habitat by essentially rototilling the seabed. All of the bottom-dwelling plants and animals are affected, if not outright destroyed.

“This study raises serious concerns about the future stability of continental shelves – the very source of the vast majority of the fish we consume,” said geological oceanographer and lead author Ferdinand Oberle. (US Geological Survey)

“A farmer would never plow his land again and again during a rainstorm, watching all his topsoil be washed away, but that is exactly what we are doing on continental shelves on a global scale.”


“One of the greatest opportunities to live our values - or betray them - lies in the food we put on our plates.” Jonathan Safran Foer