let’s get started with simple steps to more plants.

Eat More:

  • Vegetables

  • fruit

  • Beans (start with 1 tbsp. a day if needed)

  • Whole grains

Eat Less:

  • meat

  • chicken

  • fish

  • eggs

  • dairy

how do i start?

Make the healthy choice the easy choice.

Make a grocery list for three days of meals. Think about meals you like and look online for plant based versions.

  • Don’t buy meat, chicken, fish, eggs or dairy.

  • Focus on produce, cans of beans, oatmeal, plant based milk (like soy, almond), whole grains (like quinoa, whole grain bread). If you are not used to eating beans, start with lentils or 1 tbsp. of beans a day until your gut adapts.

  • See a Grocery List and Smoothie Recipe

Once you have 3 breakfast, lunch and dinner meals you like - then aim for plant based on Monday to Friday and one animal based meal on Saturday and one on Sunday if you wish.

step one - start simple.


Oatmeal every other day is a great BREAKFAST.

  • Oatmeal, berries, crushed walnuts, soy milk. (Optional: 1 tbsp. ground chia/flax seeds, raw unsalted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or granola)

  • Whole grain toast with avocado or peanut butter and bananas. Coffee with plant based milk.

  • Smoothie with plant based milk, frozen blueberries, banana, walnuts, handful of kale, (optional: 1/4 tsp. turmeric and few sprinkles pepper, 1 tbsp. ground chia or flax seeds).

Dinner leftovers and salad are easy LUNCHES at work.

  • Black bean burger and sweet potato fries.

  • Salad with some dark greens (like spinach, kale, arugula), and chick peas (from a can) or a black bean burger (saute frozen burger for a few minutes each side).

  • Mushroom and barley soup or black bean soup, salad and whole grain toast.

Try vegetarian chili for DINNER.

  • Vegetarian chili on plain baked potato. Can add tofu or soy crumbles (saute frozen crumbles for few minutes before adding to chili)

  • Black bean and corn (or any roasted vegetable) tacos. Top with avocado or salsa or vegan cheese. Avoid dairy cheese.

  • Stir fried vegetables, marinara sauce and pasta. Can use legume pasta (iike edamame or chickpea or protein pasta for better protein and fiber). Can mix half and half with wheat pasta for adapting taste.

aim for: Plants 5 days a week

Every day, eat:

greens, beans and berries

And a handful of nuts and seeds.

Download smartphone app: Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen to see the top things you should eat every day for optimal health.

Save the meat, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy for small amounts on the weekend if you’d like.

step two - find fun recipes


SEARCH WEB FOR: easy plant based _____ for any recipe you want to convert to plant based. and try these websites below for easy, tasty recipes.

Try some of these sites (click on title of recipe):



You can use frozen pie crust instead of making your own. And can top with sliced cherry tomatoes when it comes out of oven.
