Cardiovascular disease

  • Heart Disease

  • High LDL Cholesterol

  • Stroke

Heart disease:


  • High LDL cholesterol is strongly associated with increased risk of heart disease. (Ref: American Heart Association)

  • Cholesterol in foods have a small influence on the LDL cholesterol values in blood for most people. For a few people, cholesterol in food can have a large influence on blood LDL.

  • Saturated fat in the diet is the most important factor that we can modify to reduce blood LDL cholesterol values. High saturated fat content is mostly in animal products, coconut oil and palm oil.

  • And the sooner we can bring LDL to good levels, the lower the risk of heart disease.

Are plant based diets better than animal based diets for ldl cholesterol?


Keto-Med interventional crossover trial

(Gardner. Am J Clin Nurt 2022)

40 people with pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes ate a ketogenic diet for 12 weeks and a Mediterranean diet for 12 weeks, in random order.

  • In people on a ketogenic (animal based) diet, LDL increased 10%

  • In people on a Mediterranean (plant-centered) diet, LDL decreased 5%

  • In a systematic review, Sherzai et al found that fruits, vegetables, and soy demonstrated a protective effect against strokes, variable findings were observed for fish, animal products, and whole grains. Adherence to DASH, Mediterranean, and prudent dietary patterns reduced the risk of stroke, whereas the Western dietary pattern was associated with increased stroke risk. Low-fat diet was not found to have a protective effect.

  • Their research found that strokes were 80% preventable by addressing lifestyle factors including nutrition. (Sherzai, Nutr. Review 2012)


β€œAn increment of 1 serving per day of fruits or vegetables was associated with a 6% lower risk of ischemic stroke.”  JAMA 1999.

Plant centered diets reduce the risk of stroke.