Patient feedback

 From a patient with hypertension before starting medication who moved to a plant predominant way of eating:

“For 2 months, I ate 90% plant based and exercised 3 times a week.

My blood pressure went from 145/90 to 124/85 and I lost 19 pounds. I feel great and I will not be needing blood pressure medications now.”

— JF

From a patient with type 2 diabetes for 15 years. weight 259 lbs. and HbA1c of 6.6:

“For 3 months, I ate less sugar and drank less sodas and my glucose improved and insulin went down to 10 units a day, but only a few pounds of weight loss. Then over the next 5 months, I gradually increased plants to from 3 days a week to 5 days to mostly 7 days a week. I lost 50 pounds. My fasting sugar went from 180 to 92 and insulin was decreased. I feel great, I can touch my toes for the first time in years, and my joints don’t hurt. Next, my glyburide was cut in half and my insulin was stopped.”

— T.W.


from a patient with diabetes for 5 years now with kidney disease and diabetic retinopathy needing laser and eye injections.

“In 5 months of eating mostly plants (2 days a week for 2 months, then 5 days a week for the next 3 months), my HbA1c went from 11 to 7.4. My glipizide was stopped and the next step is decreasing insulin as my sugars continue to improve.”

- L.T.

We don’t need a few people doing this perfectly.

We need a billion people doing this imperfectly.”

-Simon Hill (The Proof Podcast, Book: The Proof Is In The Plants)