Blue Zones

Dan Buettner studied the world's longest living and healthiest people and writes about it in his book, "Blue Zones: Secrets of a Long Life."

The five locations are:

  • Okinawa, Japan

  • Sardinia, Italy

  • Nicoya, Costa Rica

  • Ikaria, Greece

  • Loma Linda, California


Here are the 9 evidence - based common denominators that are believed to slow the aging process.

1. Move naturally (don't need marathons or a gym).

2. Purpose. Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to 7 years of life expectancy.

3. Downshift. Find routines to decrease stress. Adventists pray; Ikarians take a nap; Sardinians do happy hour.


9. Right friend groups. Research from the Framingham Studies shows that smoking, obesity, happiness and even loneliness are contagious. They choose social circles that support healthy behaviors and some choose friends to commit to for life.

- Dan Buettner, Sam Skemp, Beth Frates. In AM J Lifestyle Med. 2016 Sep-Oct; 10(5): 318-321.

4. 80% Rule. Stop eating when your stomachs are 80% full. They eat their smallest and last meal of the day in the late afternoon or early evening.

5. Plant strong meals especially including beans. Small portions of meat are eaten on average 5 times a month.

6. Wine - 1 to 2 glasses a day with friends and/or with food.

7. Belong to some faith-based community. Attending faith-based services 4 times a month added 4-14 years of life expectancy.

8. Loved ones first. They keep aging parents and grandparents nearby, commit to a life partner, and invest in their children with time and love.


Meat, Dairy and Heart Attacks